BarnArts Presents:
5 haunting scenes performed by local creatives at Barnard Town Hall
Saturday, October 21st
Our actor/tour guides Dan Deneen, Kevin Donohue, Eric Fritz, Laurie Marshall, Kerry Rosenthal, and Robin Simpson will lead audience members as they experience...
- an interpretation of "This is Halloween" by an all-ages cast of creepy characters portrayed by Kaetlyn Collins, Doug Abbot, Anita Hamalainen, Nat Holland, Beth Damon, Marlena Farinas, Sara Norcross, Isa Snyder-Hamalainen, Kai Snyder-Hamalainen, Leo Snyder-Hamalainen, and Sally Zwain under the direction of Kaetlyn Collins
- a riveting performance of "The Cremation of Sam McGee" lakeside by Kory Hirak
- a haunting adaptation of the true Barnard story of "The Mad Wolf" read by Tapley Trudell
- an eerie retelling of "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Killian White and Vander Gac
- an original scene by Elyse DeNeige and Olivia Piepmeier (and performed by them with the help of Mary Urban) that mixes comedy and creepiness in "The Trial of Beth Wilde (again)"