The Producers by Mel Brooks

Our Cast:

Abbie Levison, Alexis Taylor-Young, Alison Johannensen, Andy Carpenter, Angelika Zhu, Anya Traudt, Bill McCollum, Cathy Kwiecinski, Christian Coffman, Claes Mattsson, Gabrielle Confer, Laurie Marshall, Larry Fuller, Lia Hammond, Linea Kay, Max Comins, Marlena Farinas, Matt Spittle, Paul Belaski, Peter Mendes, Oceane Charon, Omega Haehnel, Sara Norcross, Shoshanna Geller, Sierra Bystrak, Suzy Malerich, Thaddeus Buttrey

Our Production Team:

  • Director: Tom Beck
  • Music Director: Carol Cronce
  • Choreographer:  Claire Shillen
  • Stage Manager: Mairin Keleher
  • Costume Design: Holly Levison
  • Set and Prop Design: Murray Ngoima
  • Props Manager and ASM: Yael Taylor
  • Producer: Linda Treash