BarnArts 13th Summer Youth Theater!
Director: Ryan Paige
Music Director: Carol Cronce
Choreographer: Samantha Mcloughlin
Costume & Prop Design: Aura Paige
SYT Artistic Director & Set Design: Linda Treash
Troy, Gabriella and the students of East High must deal with issues of first love and group identity while negotiating the pressures of friends, family and school. “We are all in this together” is the resulting message of this retelling of the age old story of romance across identity groups. 30 local youth are part of this amazing musical written for and about teens with fun, creative and inspiring music and dance!
During BarnArts 3-week SYT camp, youth will take on characters, learn songs and dancing, and prepare for the full-scale production to be held at the Barnard Town Hall with original staging, costuming, choreography and a live band! Our team of theater professionals will teach, guide, and inspire your kids. Daily schedule includes a mid-morning snack and a long break for lunch, supervised outdoors at the Barnard Academy.
August 2-4 @ Barnard Town Hall
115 North Rd., Barnard
Friday, August 2 - 7pm
Saturday, August 3 - 2pm & 7pm
Sunday, August 4 - 2pm
Tickets: 12 and under - $10, older - $15
Check out all the years of BarnArts SYT in photos: